Welcome to Globelwifi, the advanced Internet Startup Company paving the way to the future. We are a team of like-minded and determined individuals, all sharing a vision for success. We believe that our sophisticated technology has the potential to become an industry sensation, to dramatically disrupt the marketplace and generate serious buzz. We set out to change the industry as we know it, and we are doing just that.
Services Section
Let us take care of your Wifi management. Eliminate the hassle of implementing and managing your Wifi with Globel WiFi service a fully managed Wifi solution
With Globel WiFi service, wireless access points are provided and installed by Globel WiFi. A team of experts will manage and monitor the Wireless Network.
Regardless of deployment method you choose, our team will evaluate location factors, coverage area and user bandwidth requirements. Globel WiFi team will design the best technology and deployment method for your business to deliver wireless data services to every corner of your office. Salient features of this service are:
Who We Are
Ahsan Rao Says Live Like a Candle Which burns itself but give light to others. Ahsan Rao is Owner of Globel WiFi.He is Also a Pakistani Business Man
Software Engineer
Izaan Ahmad Tipu is a Pakistani Web Designer,Web Developer,Programmer,Graphic Designer,Video Editor,Database System Administrator and Software Engineer.He is a 20Â years old. IzaanAhmadTipu says that"Nothing is impossible in this World,Because the Word impossible itself says that I M Possible.He also manage Some Other Popular Websites.He is also a Pakistani Business man.
Managing Director
Rao Ayaz Is a Managing Director at Globel WiFi.He is Also a Pakistani Business Man.
True Empowerment
Our main goal has always been to find an idea that can improve the world, even if that means making someone’s life a little bit easier, or making a complicated process a bit more convenient. Welcome to Globelwifi our groundbreaking Internet Startup Company that’s changing lives, one user at a time.
Changing the Rules of the Game
At the surface, we’re a young and talented group of entrepreneurs and engineers with a groundbreaking idea that we hope will contribute towards a better tomorrow. Whether we’re at meetings with potential investors or we’re out in the world trying to sell our idea, our startup has been operating since 2000, and this is just the beginning.
We are always observing and gathering information from our clients in order to learn what we should do differently in order to satisfy the greatest amount of people within our market segment. The idea is that once we know who we’re selling our product to, our product will be easily scalable.
Advanced Solutions
For every simple solution released into the market, there’s a great amount of technology that must be either invented or adapted for that purpose, and Globelwifi is no exception. Continue reading and learn all there is to know about the smart tech behind our successful Internet Startup Company.
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"